Julie M. Renfro
"Horsemanship is a Journey from the Inside Out"
"I would like to recommend my friend Julie Renfro. Not only does she know horses well, but she has the perseverance and people skills necessary to truly help you and your horses. She has paid dues in time studying and training and I believe her time to shine has arrived."
- Lester Buckley,
www. LesterBuckley.com
Julie has become an accomplished instructor of Natural Hormanship, after studying and practicing for many years. She makes another contribution to this revolution in horsemanship that is benefiting horseman everywhere, and is a blessing to the horse, a long abused species.
- Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Miller
I can wholeheartedly recommend Julie as an instructor. She has worked with my horse and me for a while now and I have not outgrown her skill. (That is not to say that I have been stagnant in my progress, it is to say that Julie has the knowledge and experience to step up and help me gain the advancement that I desire.) There have been times where I have a goal, but I can't see how to get the desired response I want and she will break it down into steps so I can succeed rather than getting frustrated and bang my head on the fence post and curse at my horse. I have a horse that is smart and a thinker. I imagine he dreams of ways to outwit me. Julie helps me challenge that smartness by helping me stretch and develop my imagination to have him want to do as I ask.
- Marian Taylor
"I've known Julie for a decade now and am proud to call her a friend. Julie is the epitome of integrity and is always on the move to progress her knowledge. She is funny, fun and very knowledgeable. She would be at the top of Riding and Ground skill training Instructors because of her love of the horse, her progressive knowledge and desire to help people feel successful with their horses"
-Kalley Krickeberg's Balanced Horse Training
It's said that a horse trainer teaches horses, a horseman teaches themselves. Julie is a horsewoman. Her knowledge and experience are a result of personally studying an assortment of equine teaching and development techniques that allow her to adjust to various situations in both the horse and the rider. She is friendly, outgoing, and a good communicator. You will enjoy working with her. I do.
- Craig Johnson, owner Reining Horse Ranch
I began to work with horses as an adult. Julie and her natural ability helped me make the transition to competence, confidence and independence. I trust my horses to work with me as partners and I got here because Julie taught me the language. I have that special relationship with my "boyz" that I have always wanted...at times it just brings tears to my eyes.
- Dr. JoDean Nicolette
We are big supporters of Julie M. Renfro and her training style which so emulates the Varian Way.
-"Varian Arabians", Arroyo Grande Ca